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The LIKBF Eliminator Series is a bracketed, five-fish at 12" minimum limit,  WINNER TAKE ALL, CPR (catch, photo, release), one-on-one tournament series.

Entry fee is a one-time payment of $50 (non-refundable after April 1st 2022 ). Competitors will be randomly computer shuffled and seeded into their brackets once all the brackets are filled and will have one month to complete their head to head tournament, beginning in April.


It is the responsibility of the anglers to coordinate the time and location of their tournament within the given time frame, and to generate their unique identifier for that day. Failure to complete the match within that time frame may result in the disqualification of BOTH anglers. If Anglers fail to make an effort or are unable to compete, they will be disqualified from the event and their opponent will advance to the next round. Therefore, if for whatever reason you cannot compete, please be fair and forfeit so that the angler with whom you are paired can move on to the next round. Only under extenuating circumstances may anglers request an extension if they cannot set a date for their tournament. 

Pre-fishing cutoff limit is determined by the anglers each round.


Winners of each round will move on until one angler remains victorious above all others. Fish until you are ELIMINATED from the Tournament. Last angler standing will be the winner of the Elimination Series. 

Prize funds are determined based on number of entries. 


a. Each tournament will run on a five-fish limit and an 12-inch minimum. Highest aggregate length wins the round and the angler moves on.

b. In the case of a tie, the tie-breaker goes to the person with the longest single fish. In the case of a tie for longest, the tie-breaker will then be the next longest fish, etc.

c. If in the off-chance that both anglers’ five fish are equal in length, it is up to the anglers to determine a further tie-breaker.

Examples: Coordinate another tournament if time permits. A sudden death overtime round that day (first angler to catch a legal bass wins). If each angler caught more than five fish, the sixth longest could determine the winner, etc.


*PLEASE NOTE: AOY Points and other end of the year awards such as LIKBF BIG BASS Award are NOT awarded for the Eliminator Series and can only be achieved by fishing the LIKBF Elite Series Tournaments.

If you win the Eliminator Series, you will be awarded a cash prize payout and a qualification spot to the LIKBF Tournament Of Champions the following season. 


Q. How long does each round last?

You have 30/31 days depending on what month it is to complete your SINGLE DAY match. 

Q. Do we need to fish 8-hour tournaments?

Paired anglers can fish two hours or 12 hours, weekends or weekdays, day or night. It’s all up to the competitors, whatever is agreed upon prior to the tournament.

Q. If I make it to the finale, can we fish a two-day tournament? And if yes, can we fish a different body of water each day?

No, each round including the finale will be a single day tournament. 

Q. Does it have to be a five-fish limit?


Q. Can we fish out of state waters?

Yes, if both anglers agree to it. And both anglers must comply with that states regulations and licensing. And each competitor has the right to ask for proof of license purchase of their opponent. 

Q. Will you disqualify both anglers if a match cannot be completed?

Possibly, if fault cannot be determined. Anglers should make the time to fish, or be fair and forfeit if they cannot make it happen by the round deadline.

Q. If I am unable to compete in my match, will I be refunded?

There will be no refunds after April 1st*.

* If any angler is unable to complete his round 1 match due to unforeseen circumstances—injury, family emergency, etc.—then a replacement will be sought. If secured, the entry fee will be refunded, even after April 1st. Otherwise there will be no refund and your competitor will move onto round 2 via forfeit.

Q. Do you allow electric-powered boats?


Q. Can we use live bait if we agree to it?


Q. Can we fish private waters if we have permission.


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